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Lights out


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If your talking about the stealth level. Speed run to the door without engaging imperials. On the other side is a dark jedi and imperial officers. Do not let the officers get to either(there are two)alarms in the hangar then attack the jedi. Don't use your light goggles just look for the green switc across from you. Good luck.

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Here's how I did this part:



Hit the switch to turn off the lights and walk (not run) to the left and drop off the ledge so that you land in front of the three Imperial officers in a huddle. Mind Trick all three (you know... just in case) and walk to the door on the other side. Walk past that one door and wait until it closes. I saved at that point before going into the next room with the Reborn and the two officers.


You should have plenty of time to get to the door by dropping down instead of running back out and going through the 'front' door.


There's a secret area near that front door too, before you jump up to turn off the lights.


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