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I need help, please! (SPOILER INSIDE)


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I'm at the part where you meet up with Jan aboard the Doomgiver (Doombringer?), and for some reason, when I get to the elevator next to the giant hanger with the Imperial Transport ship, the button to bring the elevator down to my level won't work. I've even tried the noclipping code to get to the button on the top floor of the elevator to see if that button would work, but it didn't either. Am I screwed, or is there a way out of my predicament?

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If I understand you right, you've just saved Jan from the cellblocks, and have proceeded through the switches that required you to work in teams? (Ie, she holds a switch, you move to the next switch, hold it for her, so she can move on etc.)


Then all you need to do is move over to the closed door on the other side of the hangar, and a cutscene will show and you'll move on to the next level.


If that's not it, let me know.



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