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Overhead hack


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Ok, the manual say sthat when using the medium style you can do a flip over your opponent and hack down as you pass over their head.


I was fooling around in the cantina on the first nar shaddaa level and tried to do the overhead hack on a few enemies but I just couldn't get it to work! I tried ever combination of forward+jump+primary I could think of in every order, but still nothing (all I managed to do was stamp on peoples heads)!



a) You need a higher level of force powers than you have in this level (Rank 1 in pull, push, jump, speed)



b)I just haven't figured out the precise combination/ timing


Either way, I need help cos it sounds like a really cool move.

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Timing is a bit important in that move, make sure to be moving forward first, then hit jump followed immediately by the primary attack. You'll see Kyle do a somersault, but instead of holding the lightsaber at bay, he'll chop downwards.


Note, however, that this attack only rarely hits (as I believe it states so in the manual), so it's not a super kill all move or anything (unlike in MP, where it IS a super kill all move in the Strong Attack stance).


Your best bet is to try and practice the move just before you enter the cantina :)



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Coolest thing i ever did was this on a sentry bot. I jumped in the air and hit attack and time slowed and the camera circled and it just looked like Id cut the thing like an orange, right in half. It then proceded to explode.


Man this game has some of the coolest moments. Its like a melding of MaxPayne with the KungFu mod and... a weird swordfighting sim.

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