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Ninja Mod Looking for More


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Hello = ) Here is the mod which me and some friends will be accomplishing. The purpose is fun and we would like to make this as high quality possible so we may use it for our portfolios to get jobs in the industry.


Mod: Ninja Mod using new code and modified Jedi Knight Code


-Preliminary Ideas-


Ninja Abilities such as:


high Jump - jump higher


slow fall - fall slower


throwing - throw ninja stars, knives, poisoned darts, etc... with deadly accuracy and be able to retrieve them


weapon fighting - Lots of weapons such as but not limited to (staffs, nunchakas, staves, caltrops, spears, wires for choking, 3 sectional staff, si, daggers) also dual wield options such as double daggers, double nunchakas, etc..


ultra fast movement - movement blurred, and movement rate increase


wall climbing - climb walls and reach certain areas out of reach of other less skilled ninjas


dodging - percentage of dodging attacks to take little or no damage, will probably see a dodge icon and not be able to attack until the dodge icon has dissapeared for balance reasons


unarmed combat/martial arts - punches, kicks, chops, headbuts, sweeps, pressure points


iron skin - slower movement(horse stance if anyone has seen this), take little or no damage, and meelee attacks deal much greater damage


vital blow(inflict injuries) - These injuries to pressure points may include: impaired walking, slow bleeding, wobbly aiming, impairing another ninjas abilities through mental damage


We have not decided on any final decisions but I am thinking we will lean toward either customized abilities and ninjas or classes.


-Possible Classes-


Hand to Hand ninja(using all unarmed combat efficiently including vital blows, sweeps)


Weapon Master(master of weapons)


Assassin(one hit kills with backstabs and moves silent)


Speed Demon(fast and dodges and parries often)


Iron Ninja(tough and slow when using iron skin but kills very fast)


Poison Master(uses poisons on weapons or fingers nails or thrown weapons, etc)


Throwing Master(Master of thrown objects)



-Modes of Play-




Duel Arena(with and without weapons etc..)


Capture the Flag




We have a few programmers now so im not sure if we will need anymore.


But we are definately looking for talented artists for 3d and 2d.


We need mappers, Animators, Modelers, and most of all we need Skinners.


This will be a mod for experience and fun above all. So if your in other mods thats fine, you dont have to devote your life to us. As long as you make some kind of work in a fair amount of time then we can use you. You can leave at anytime. We can find other people to fill spots, etc...


Please only e-mail me though if you are serious about doing it, we dont need flakes. Im just trying to express that we dont require your soul for the project. We all have school and work and other things going on as well.


my e-mail is Blader2@rocketmail.com


Please put ninja mod in the subject line and i look forward to working with you.


We will be starting very soon. We are waiting for Raven to release some code and developement tools so we can get started.



P.S. If you cant develope anything or just dont want to i would still appreciate any feedback as far as what you would like to see in a ninja mod, thanks.

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i am interested in joining to be a skinner because i like ninjas but the only problem is, is that i dont know how to skin, code, or make maps.

by the way even if i did know how to skin i dont have the program or file to skin.

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I had an idea floating around in my mimd for hand to hand finding,


inspired by the movies non super heros like tomb raider, blade, jackie chan, bruce lee.


you kno that massively fun and detailed system of saber combat. forwrd primary fire is down slash, back and left or right strife is a diagnal upper cut. ans so on.


i for one think it would be very easy to us this type of system for unarmed combat.


add a third and or fourth button for kick and punch. so you could use your sword and kick, you could create a whole system of combos!!


Swing sword left with First fire and left strife, follow up with a side kick to your right with Third fire and right strife


get what i mean. give me your e-mail and i'll make you a combo sheet so you can see if you like that idea

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