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Slow stance too good?


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well you all havent played anyone really good with heavy stance. the one hit kill is slightly unbalanced in that it holds its power to long. A skilled heavy user can aim it and even when the saber is on the ground if you run into it you die. I think there should be more of a downside to using that particular move.


Its not uncounterable and easy to avoid though.


btw medium style owns strong style if you know how to do it right.

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Originally posted by LazyPitbull

You are obviously an envious newbie. It takes timing and you leave yourself open with one hit with heavy. Your probably just using blue swinging randomly with no coordination what-so-ever and when someone uses a timed strike to kill your newbie carcass you whine. I see your type all the type in this game. Hopefully most of the whiners will go away in time from this great game.


Oh, and one more point Tree. Your language degrades your post and gives decent people an idea of what intelligence you have. Your either a low-life on welfare or a ten year old.


Newbie, well the games only been out a few days champ.


You think I'm a newbie come and find out I play there, bring anything but heavy stance and I will mess you up.


I'm glad you know so much about me.


If you leave yourself open after one heavy hit, then you suck.


I didn't realize the word whore was so offensive.


Like I said earlier the difference between heavy and medium stance is the same as medium and light. If you have two equally skilled players one in medium stance and the other in light. The light stance will get f'ed up.


Madrebel summed it up perfectly "I think there should be more of a downside to using that particular move."


Ohh and one more thing, when you flame like you do it makes you look sad.



The challenge is on the table. I wont be suprised when I don't see you.

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the 'one hit kill' is not hard to pull off at all. i don't use the heavy stance, but last night i was messing around in an empty server and it's very easy to do.


also, we're not whining. it has nothing at all to do with skill, it's a cheap move.


however, anyone can use it, so it's not unfair. im a grip monkey myself. if people are too lame to use force push against me, it's off the edge for them.


however, the heavy stance IS unfair in that it's far too powerful and nearly impossible to stop.

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Anything but strong? Your not only a newbie but a coward. You probably just swing all day. Anyway, do you think Raven will even mess around with the sabers? Of course not. They will be busy balancing out force powers. The only reason you don't use strong stance is because you can't. You can't time anything and slash away randomly holding down the attack key. The point of my post is that your one opinion on saber strong stance won't change it. Your opinion means nothing and I'm sick of newbie whiners like you. Last night I was 15-3, got the same complaints about strong stance. Tough luck newbie, learn to use strong stance or counter it better with medium/fast by THINKING first, not slashing everywhere.

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in my opinion its not if the stances r balanced or fair but on the players. think of it this way. if u r a small little wimp and some big huge dude wants to fight u. what do u do?1 kick him in the nutz and run like hell! out think the guy. let him use his 1 hit kill to kill him. any stance can beat anyother stance. but its not the stance that wins. its the player.


about the force unbalance. its going to be that way cause the dark side is evil. duh! dont get raven to change anything. change your style of play. its called adapting to your situation and figuring out the weak points. dont fight harder. fight smart.


its work. i've won most of my duel use any of the stance. also i switch my stance to throw the person off there game. most ppl try to master 1 stance. bad idea. in my opinion

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Originally posted by LazyPitbull

Anything but strong? Your not only a newbie but a coward. You probably just swing all day. Anyway, do you think Raven will even mess around with the sabers? Of course not. They will be busy balancing out force powers. The only reason you don't use strong stance is because you can't. You can't time anything and slash away randomly holding down the attack key. The point of my post is that your one opinion on saber strong stance won't change it. Your opinion means nothing and I'm sick of newbie whiners like you. Last night I was 15-3, got the same complaints about strong stance. Tough luck newbie, learn to use strong stance or counter it better with medium/fast by THINKING first, not slashing everywhere.


Ya like I said I'm not suprised.


If your are so skilled why not fight me medium only? I can beat strong stance whores, I have and I will. But a lot of the time, they get the best of me.


How do you know what Raven is doing?


The reason I don't use strong stance is becuase it takes no skill. I have tried it, and I owned. There is no strategy to it, you have like two swings.


If you were getting complaints then apparently other people agree.


When did I say my one opinion would change things?


If my opinion means nothing, why does it upset you enough to flame me?


The original post was the question "So do you guys feel that its too good aswell, or is it balanced in your opinion?"


I answered it.


I knew you wouldn't fight with anything but strong stance. Thats is the exact defnition of a strong stance whore. I could beat you strong on strong. Do you think you could beat me medium on medium? :D

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The funny thing with some of the later posts is that in my experience the difference between a good saber duelist and a great saber duelist is one thing. One of them changes their stances to get the full range of attacks a Lightsaber offers.


Heavy Stance isn't unbalanced in my mind. Yes it has one hit kills, but they're also slow and every strike from heavy is telegraphed. The guy might as well say "I'm going to swing now, so jump if you don't want to die". I'm not saying I never lose to heavy, but you can avoid it.


Also, in a duel with no force but jump and saber throw. The person starts his heavy attack, either back off, jump over them, or better yet. Run up to them and hit jump and flip-kick 'em (it works just like a force push, only doing damage as well).


I'm starting to use heavy a bit more, and it isn't the no skill thing people say it is. It does take timing, you have to start your swing before the person is in range and then move them in range (usually involving turning enough to keep them in the swing).


I'm not going to take a challenge to prove something is balanced or unbalanced. Why? because people are at different skill levels. and I'm not a super uber duelist, I'm decent but not near the best.


Anyhow, to answer the original question: In my opinion heavy stance is not unbalanced, you just have to keep on your toes.

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first off, i do not use one stance, and i don't just run around swinging. i actually concentrate and plan my moves, unlike people who run around jumping into the air and slamming down repeatedly.


i usually switch between light and medium, and use heavy to finish battles.


the only thing im saying is that it is very off-set. the reach goes beyond the end of the blade!

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well ive only had the game for one day, and only played multiplayer for a short while.

first time i got on, i picked dark side forces and used heavy stance (yes i know, but i hadnt played b4)

and suddenly i was racking up the kills in a saber only server.

but i didnt feel like i was achieving anything, kills were too easy to come by.

so now i use Lightside forces and medium/light stance, i suck but at least im happy with the kills i get :)

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