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Stuck in level 17: cairn_dock1 (spoilers)


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I'm in the part where you have to avoid being detected. I couldn't get past it, so I tried the walktrought I found on this forum. It said I had to go to the left first, mindtricking a trooper, jump up a ledge, mindtrick 2 troopers, run up, then mind trick them again and vaporize on of them. How do I do this last step?

I can't seem to get the guy dead without alerting everybody.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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When you start out, you have to sneak past several guards. I am assuming that you got to the area where you shut off the green energy surrounding the 2 rows of towers. If so, after you get past them, you can kill the 2 officers staring at the wall panel. You get keys from them. In the room just past them, you can kill all the troopers also because the alarm console in that section is broken. After this, go through the door and you will come to an area where you are on a metal walkway and troopers are talking on a similar metal walkway accross from you (there are electified pipes between you). At the other end of your walkway you can see some pipes sticking out of the wall that you can jump onto. Use force speed to get over there and the trooper will just think they saw something. Jump us the pipes and on top of the structure that the pipes are hooked to. Walk accross and drop down. You will be shielded by some more pipes. You can drop down once more to an area in which you can see all 3 troopers and an officer. From there you can quickly mind trick all 4 and run through the door between the 2 troopers. After a few more rooms with electrical pipes you come to an area filled with officers. You can use a panel to shut off the lights, drop down into the room and use your night vision goggles to walk past them all and go through a door. At this point, stop until the door closes. You will be in between 2 doors at this point. In the next room is a guy with a lightsaber and 2 officers. Go in quickly and kill both officers to avoid them setting off the alarm, and then kill the guy with the saber. this is a room filled with crates. To be honest, I can't remember what comes after this, but I think that is the end to your having to sneak around. I could be wrong, but I don't think there is anyting major after this. I hope this wasn't too confusing and I hope it helps.

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This is the best stealth level ever designed, because you actually don't HAVE to be stealthy at all. You see, the game only ends with you being captured if an imperial actually TOUCHES that alarm panel.


What I always do is set some trip mines around it, plus two turrets, then just start sabering anyone who comes close. Sure, they'll all run for it, but the tripmines, turrets, and my saber plus forcespeed generally ensure that you'll wipe all of them out before they can hit the alarm.


The only area where you REALLY have to be silent is the final area with the light switch. For the rest you can just kill all the stormies :)



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