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Ok Got game.. this is for Voodoo5 owners.

Guest PissedJedi

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Guest PissedJedi

If anyone had any problems with the game. Note. I was able to get good news about my tax return so I could get my copy of jk2. :)




I was suprised that Raven said no suppport for 3dfx voodoo5 owners. But of course being this is the q3 engine. I simply went grabbed my ogl file from q3 arena from the wickedgl ogl icd.


Put it in the gamedata folder.


Loaded up the game Disabled shaders.


And booya a totally working Jk2. Looks absolutely lovely.

I also started playing some mp duel games just to see the animations. Simply amazing. To anyone who even had a shred of doubt about Raven handling Jk2. I Scoff at you. :)


Only bug I have seen with the wicked3d icd is that you have to load up the lightsabre twice to get an image. The first time its invisible the second time it comes out totally fine.


Other then that. Its running great Looks awesome.


I suspect v3 owners with the same icd could probably run jk2 as well. But jk2 is really optimize for 32bit textures. :)


Anyway I am now part of the ever growing jk2 playing community and I look forward to playing with or against the rest of you.


Kurgan.. your mine. mwahah

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Guest PissedJedi



it' uses nagware if you don't want to see the spinning logo at the beginning you can spend 8 bucks to unlock it.


Other then that just hit c to continue.


It works great for just about any opengl supporting game.

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