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Pirates Unite!!!!!


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Being honest for a sec, I think it's fair to say a lot of the people on this board actually pirated JK II. The most usual reason is that people didn't want to wait until it was in stores, which I can understand.


However, now that we have all played the game and seen what an awesome game this is, it's time for the pirates to do their duty and go BUY THE GAME. Even if you finished it, BUY THE GAME.


Software companies are hurting right now. Companies like Sierra, God Games, all gone. We need to all 'vote' on which companies make awesome games by paying for them. Buy them. What would you rather see at the stores, "Big Game Hunter 87" or "JK III." Well, JK III won't happen unless we all do our part and buy JK II.


Lucas Arts and Raven deserve that from us. It's obvious all of the incredibly hard work that went into this game. It deserves to be purchased.


Please, don't do the old school pirate thing and say, "Lucas Arts needs money like I need another hole in my head." It has nothing to do with money really, it has to do with support. We need to support the companies that do good work. Blizzard, Gas Powered Games, EA (sometimes), and this game.


Please, do the right thing and pay for the game. If you've beaten it, buy the game and give it to a friend who wouldn't normally buy it.


Stepping down off my soapbox now, but before I do. Thanks Raven. There were a few parts that I felt could have been done a little better, a little more clearly, but overall this game was everything I hoped it would be and then some. The last 10 levels or so had me rivetted to the computer like not many other games have.


- takr

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Youre absolutely right, dude.

But 99.9% of the guys who pirated the game, and see this post, will say to themselves: "Well..... i dont want to buy it.. someone else will, so it's not so much of a loss if one person dont buy it."


I hope that the ones of you who aren't cheapasses get off your JK2-playing ass, and buy the game.. :) (thats an order) *eeep*:D

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dont want to buy it.. someone else will, so it's not so much of a loss if one person dont buy it.


Well I was a long time pirate until I exited the scene with the downfall of hotline. Let me just say, that I have never met a pirate who used this kind of logic.

However yes, this game kicks so much ass that its worth every penny I spent on it.

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I do sometimes pirate games, I'll explain my logic.


I pirate many games, for some different reasons:

1)I like to try a game, before i pay my hard earned cash for it.

2)I don't think that some games deserve to be payed for, a recent example is Ambulance Driver, the came sucks.

3)I like to play a game before it hits the shelves.




I always buy the games i love and respect, that';s why i baught JKII, and in the tin edition too, the keychain rocks :-) .

I bought games like Arcanum, Fallout series, Half-Life, Star Wars Games (most of them) and others. Raven has my full respect for this game, way to go.

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A lot of good companies that have made quality games have gone out of business. And honestly, games are not all that expensive.


I think we are in the golden game of gaming right now. Great companies are making great games. The people producing games are making games of high quality, not bubble gum that will appeal to a larger, less inteligent audience.


Let's be honest. Inteligent technically savy people like to play good games, not crap like Big Game Hunter 87, but these are also the people who know how download and install a pirated version of the game.


Now I know that I wouldn't want to work for anyone for free, and the people at Lucas Arts and Raven don't either.


When crap like Big Game Hunter 87 is more profitable than quality games like Jedi Outcast, what do you think we are going to see more of in the future?


So I really don't see anything wrong with trying before you buy, but if you like the game or play it more than just once or twice, then buy the retail version. Think of it this way, think of the retail price of the game and if you think the game is good enough to be worth paying for, then buy it. If you don't think it is worth paying for then erase it off your hard drive.

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The games I play a lot I buy. But I dont like buying too many games because I'm short on cash right now. But so far this year I have payed for about 4 games. the games i dont play are ones that i ONLY play at lans because everyone else is playing it.


Right now my fav games of choice are Ghost Recon, Global Ops and Jedi2!

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I pre-ordered JK2 and am happy with it. However, I am also happy to use the CD-crack so I don't have to have the CD in the drive to play.


I get so sick of the damn CD-spinning on some games that it drives me crazy. Very happy to be using the no-CD crack, even though I bought the game.


Just my $.02 worth.



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wilmore, thats how I was (I actually ended up buying a lot of games that I wouldnt have otherwize, but not until they were down to about $9 ;) ). Then one day I just got bored of "the scene" and realized that in truth its more worth while to go shell out $70 (well actually I wait until most games are $40) then to spend 20 or so hours trying to find it.

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Originally posted by Jorusall

As a rule i pay for all lucasarts games, all Blizzard games, and all Black Isle games, and ofcourse whatever online MMORPG i play, but the rest i buy in case i like them enough.


Actually, I used to use this rule too, for LucasArts games (and the other companies are quality games but I don't have their games), and I used to buy just about every LucasArts game that came out, but in the last few years LucasArts has put out some stinkers, mostly episode 1 games. I don't bother with those.


So I bought all the great ones, like Monkey Island and all of the X-Wing Series.


I have bought every one of the LucasArts Achieve packs, which even included some less than great games like Rebel Assualt and Rebel Assualt 2, which I didn't even play.


I guess I am just trying to say this is a good general rule, but I cannot apply it to every single game that comes out from LucasArts. IMHO

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