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Stuck With A Gonk Droid


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Or turning off your capslock key, typing in caps is considered shouting and is impolite :)




Anyways, from that room, turn back, and go outside, then look down at the river. When you are standing right between the two guardrails, you'll notice a big black 'pipe' come out of the building every once in awhile. This lets off steam for the heat buildup in the mine cart room. Jump down onto the pipe, wait for it to move back into the building. Crouch down into the passageway and follow it to the end. Shoot all the red things you see there (including the one on the pillar), and this will then disable the heat buildup. Ride the pillar back up once it's all the way down and you can then get on the mine cart.


Alternatively, wait for the heat buildup in the room to dissipate, then run through the door when it opens up again, chase the cart, and jump onto the huge door it leaves out of. If you time it correctly, you can jump onto the door and keep it from closing (the big door, not the small one you came in through).

Then move outside a little more until you are on the little thingey that's just outside. The door will then close, and you can wait for the next cart to come out of the door, and jump on it from where you are. This way you don't have to disable the heat system (this is how I did it the first time).


Good luck



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