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Can't figure out how to get my lightsaber..

Scarlet Widow

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i'm dieing to finally get my hands on a lightsaber and now that i'm here i can't figure out how to get it! i've brought the saber cage tower down to the ground, and then theres a cage around it. Standing on a pressure plate makes the cage rise and when i step off it goes back down. Everything i think of i can't get to that cage when its open...i don't understand why i can't just reach in there and take it, its not like the spaces between the bars are so narrow that the saber couldn't fit thru it.....




...could someone please help?

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Heh, frustrating isn't it? ;)


Well if I remember correctly, you just stand on the platform, and as soon as it starts moving, activate Force Speed and run like hellfire to the cage. You may need to crouch/roll at the end, but I think that's how I did it. :)


Hope that helps.

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Here's what I did. Set your force power to speed. Go step on the pressure plate and let it take you down. Right before it stops, activate speed and then run out to the cage. While running, switch your power to pull. Keep your crosshair on the lightsaber or in the vacinity. When you get close try activating the pull. I did it and it whipped it out of there and I just went and picked it up. You may have to time it right so if it doesn't work the first time don't get frustrated. Hope that helps!

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that part really fried me for a while. i finally got it though, just keep trying.


what i don't get is the cage. i mean, a lightsabre handle would fit through easily, as well as kyle's hand. if not, why couldn't he just force pull it through the crack? lol

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