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Multiplayer Messaging?


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Create a text file called "autoexec". Open it and enter the following (Dont forget to add your chat lines);


bind F4 "vstr hurt00"

bind F5 "vstr chat00"


set chat00 "say INSERT CHAT COMMENT HERE;bind F5 vstr chat01"

set chat01 "say INSERT CHAT COMMENT HERE;bind F5 vstr chat02"

set chat02 "say INSERT CHAT COMMENT HERE;bind F5 vstr chat03"

set chat03 "say INSERT CHAT COMMENT HERE;bind F5 vstr chat00"


set hurt00 "say INSERT COMMENT FOR BEING HURT HERE;bind F4 vstr hurt01"

set hurt01 "say INSERT COMMENT FOR BEING HURT HERE;bind F4 vstr hurt02"

set hurt02 "say INSERT COMMENT FOR BEING HURT HERE;bind F4 vstr hurt03"

set hurt03 "say INSERT COMMENT FOR BEING HURT HERE;bind F4 vstr hurt00"


Save the file and change the *txt extension to *cfg. Then drop into your base folder. Then in the game hit F4 to chat and F5 to issue threats of retribution when someone whips your butt.


You can add as many comments as you like and the game cycles through them when F4 and F5 are pressed.

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