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**spoiler**help Me On Yavin


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I am in the acedamy in YAVIN_FINAL.


I got passed the flames and I pressed 3 star buttons, the walls went backwards.


Now, there is a mirror and a false wall with a canyon behind it.


Who knows what to do next, I have no id.



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Focus your search in the room with the three switches. The other two paths are pointless, the mirror is there to trick you and the false wall is there to kill you. If you want to be totally spoiled highlight the spoiler stuff.



If drop down the hole into the room with the three switches, push the switch directly in front of you. The wall will push back and there will be a path to the left. Once you turn left..stop and look at the left wall, somewhere towards the lower middle of the wall is another switch push it and go back to where you dropped down from the hole. The wall there should have moved and revealed a new path.


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