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Darth Maniac

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I was running towards a player today and hit him with a downward strong saber slash - BAM!!! Dead in one hit!! Darth Maniac wins again.


The next minute he was accusing me of hacking the game and cheating - even though I was like third place and he was the leader!!! Nothing I could say could persuade him otherwise.


I' ve never used a cheat and this sort of thing really annoys me - If strong saber is overpowered (I usually use medium) then complain to Raven rather than chuck accusations around!!! I hope that as I get better at the game this will not become a common occurance - sore losers get on my nerves.


Just needed to get that off my chest - sorry.

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I know how you feel. I was leading on the Boomtown servers today, and some fool called "Whity" started calling me a cheater and trying to vote me off. He got three votes too, only my own "no" vote saved me. I suppose people resent the fact that I shoot them, as well as slice them.

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lol people that whine like that about it are annoying. they do that in medal of honor about the rocket launchers, which are pretty much the same. very slow, but very powerful.


i do think the power behind the strong stance is just a bit over-the-top though.

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god no! the cs cheat freaks r here now. i hated it in cs when someone would freak cause they die and cant handle it. for all and any of u cheater haters/freaks! its a game. guess what?! when u die u come back to life. dont make jk2 like cs

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That's the problem in every MP Game. There are ppl who can't win and complain about "unfair gamestyle" or even "cheating". I think most of these kids didn't even see an aimbot in action.


god no! the cs cheat freaks r here now.


At least they can't complain about wallhack ;)

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Like was said, don't pay them any heed.


With some people (especially if they're in the lead which makes them feel better than everyone else) they can't stand dying. And I mean, if you can kill them, the frag leader, you must be cheating right?


He probably didn't realize how low on health he was, or just couldn't believe that you hit HIM (I mean come on, how did yo hit him? he was the frag leader on that server. He's like a god compared to you who was also on the server) with a heavy stance shot.


Y'know, now that I think of it. The only way you could have hit him with his god-like "frag leader" (I mean, that obviously means he's the best player there and noone can kill him, because HE is the frag leader. NOT YOU! HIM!) is if you cheated. You shouldn't cheat! I mean, what were you thinking? I know it's fun to kill people but cheating isn't the way!




Notice: the last paragraph is sarcastic for those who didn't pick up on it.


Last word: It's best to just leave air heads alone. If he thinks your cheating, frag him again. :)

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Hehehe I hate those guys. I played AVP2 mp only once because of jerks like that. Some guy decided to be a Predator and I guess he figured as long as he was invisible no one could see him. They assume nobody they are playing is intuitive enough to put two and two together and figure out where they are. He didnt realized everytime he moved he shimmered or that his feet made noise. So the second they get killed they scream cheater. I tried to plead my case, but after about 2 minutes realized this guy was a total moron and that I was wasting my time.

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Guest PissedJedi

Those who whine instantly become my favorite target. It brings joy to my heart hearing their Cries of defeat. And The screams of "He CHEATEd.. LETS VOTE HIM OFF.. YOU NOOB! YOU SUCK"


I don't even say anything till end of the level. And simply point out.. "Kid while you were busy whining.. You were also busy dying at my feet. Keep it up. IT makes it easier. :)"

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i hate to tell you guys, but when you complain about people calling you a cheater, then you yourselves, are in fact, whining.

and it's annoying for the rest of us on a server to listen to people arguing about whether someone cheated or not.

Who cares? play the game and have fun. isn't that what matters?

If someone calls you a cheater, the best thing to do is let your light saber do the talking.

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Yeah, that kind of crap drove me off out of AVP as well. Played UT a long long time and rarely heard it, but in AVP I heard it all the time. I was never really sure why. I wasn't even that good and I'd get accused, even booted! I think RTCW was bad for that too.


Guess after CS I can't blame people for being suspicious when strange stuff starts happening on a server, plus there's the lag issue and LPBs can rule some games more than others, but when I start hearing "cheater" I usually take it as a sign to look for another server. Not worth the grief the little spoogemonkeys cause me.

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