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Duel of the Fates (and chicken Bots!)

Darth Sane

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Because of where I live now, (two blocks from a cable connection) I have to use dial up... painfully, and I mean stoned-to-death-by-ewoks painfully, slow dial up. thus, I only fight against bots. Now, I saw someone had made up a pack for when you duel someone the music "Duel of the Fates" plays - only problem is that the bots never challange or accept duels.. just run arround backwards firing with perfect aim (yup, that's those Quake 3 engine bots for ya...) Sooo I was wondering if there was any way to change the music of a stage ENTIRELY - like the Duel_Pit. Or maybe the action music in the single player.




NPC SPAWN MorganKatarn

*kills the ghost*

Kikky: How did you kill a ghost?

Sane: I'm just that good...

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I play against bots too but if you want REAL challenge, load up singleplayer, open console and type "devmap pit" without quotes and you will be spawned to fight against a jedi. After you defeated that jedi, use the npc spawn command to spawn some dark jedis. Example of the commands would be:-


npc spawn reborn

npc spawn tavion

npc spawn desann

npc spawn rebornboss


Those are the enemies. for allies,


npc spawn luke

npc spawn jedi

npc spawn jeditrainer


Good luck and have fun :p



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Well, despite that, the game doesn't recognize any mods expect "Download" and when I put the sound files (put sound files, and even used winzip to extract them into their folders, INSIDE the download folder) all it did was change the title screen music to the emperor's theme... all the other music was the same.


That music is for when you hit the "K" button and challange a Human to a duel. not bots.

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