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place we're not supposed to go?


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while playing the yavin swamp level directly after the infamous kissing cutscene, i eventually found the crash site for one of the large pods from the doomgiver. i was utterly convinced that what i needed to do was enter this ship somehow, and not, as might have been wiser, look for... say, underwater tunnels?


but anyway, i goofed around the crash site for a long time, testing everything, trying to reach everything, checking the hull of the ship for possible means of entry. until i noticed the tree next to the ship itself. very leafy, so you can see the top of the tree clearly. i tried to jump it a few times, like i had done with just about everything else in the level, and i discovered that you can actually stand on top of the tree! quicksaving, i jumped from the tree to the top of the crashed ship. it was obviously a place where you aren't supposed to be at, because the graphics were skippy and transparent and odd.


from the top of the ship, you can either go inside (where the stormtrooper was) or jump from the ship to the mountains behind you. from there, you can inch your way to the right and all the way over to the bridge that spans the entry to the part of the swamp where the crash site is! it looks like a movieset, ironically. :) try it, it's not useful in any other sense than the 'i've outsmarted the leveldesigners' sensation. heh. but that doesn't explain why it's possible to stand on top of *that* tree and few others in the first place.


has anyone else discovered this before me?

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