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The good, the bad, and the ugly


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This something that I've decided to start. It works like this: list what you like about the game (the good), stuff that you would like to see in the game (the bad), and stuff that SHOULD be in the gmae (the ugly).


The good:

lightsaber fights. I don't even have to think about what keys to hit. I just hit what seems right and I get the result that I want. The different stances also help.


The bad:

More MP skins. It seems to me that all the MP skins can be found in SP. They were just taken from SP and put in MP. I'd like to see Mace Windu in MP.

More saber colors. It seems too limited.


The ugly:

No EAX period. I could tolerate just EAX and not EAX Advanced HD, but it's not even EAX. That's just a shame. Maybe a patch later on.

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