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Garbage Crawlin in Nar Shadaa


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At first i wasnt sure what to do, but after i crawled through every corner of the 1st nar shadaa level it became obvious that the only way out is the open garbage shaft which you pass under when riding on the garbage container. But after a half hour struggle i still havent been able to jump up into the garbage shaft. How on earth should it be done? (i dont want to use cheats for this):confused:

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if you're riding the garbage cart (after jumping on the yellow "hands", and after electrified water), look ahead, straight ahead, turn on the binoculars if u need, see that exit, that's where you need to get, the little shaft on the right, that you pass, is just a secret area.

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That sounds like the door with the lights pointed at it at the far edge of the map...

Kyle made a comment about some override, but i havent been able to find it, unless its the red light in front of the end routes of the garbage cart, and i havent found out how to change that either :(

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