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Arg, Nar Shada Street snipers!


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I hate them the split second you put an inch of your body out a door your shot. It drives me crazy. Yeah ok, the sniper is thinking hmmm I bet ya he is going to come out riiiiigghhhhttt now, and he fires and somehow you happend to come out. This level is driving me crazy, you can't even pick off the snipers because of this. This game is so hard, plus all the puzzles that no one could figure out unless you read a guide online. And that stupid jump to get in the room to open the bridge, took me forever. Not saying I don't like JKII, awsome game but, ahhh the snipers, what do I do? lol

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Originally posted by DragomanJK

Use force seeing and you will dodge/deflect



Ah yes, that would be the Force Seeing that's not actually IN the single player game, right? ;)



Your best bet is to use force speed, activate speed, move out, the sniper will usually miss, start zooming and charging your beam (hit both mouse buttons), aim for his head, let rip when you're at about 55% charge, one less sniper.


If you think it's bad now, try it at Jedi Master level, they put four of them on every spot :(



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There is one other method that works in many situations but you might think of it as a bit of an exploit of the AI. It's possible to VERY carefully inch out from around a corner until you are just able to see part of the sniper (maybe just an arm or the top of his head, for example). You can hit him without being exposed enough that he will return fire. I've found this works best when moving around a corner to the right, as Kyle is right-handed (btw - any way to change this? The usual Q3 commands for handedness don't seem to work).

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