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Turning friendly fire off during SP. Can it be done?

Wes Janson SMR

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Think about it. One reason why battling along side other Jedi is hard is because we often times attack our friends while we go after the enemy. I can't tell you how many times I've accedently decapitated Luke when I fight against Desann and Tavion (obviously a spawned match).


Is there a way, in a config file, that we can disable friendly fire? This is a multiplayer option (for 'Sabers at least). Is there a way to do this without the aid of the SDK?

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Personally I'm gonna give stunning them a go, hopefully it doesn't kill em and they just lay there for awhile.

Jan kept shooting me in the back at the start, on Jedi Master thats really annoying.

Got even more annoyed afterwards when I jumped off a shelf onto her head (apparently, didn't see), and she had the nerve to ask who's side I was on. 1 minute beforehand she'd pumped 2 laser shots into her partners back who was stationary.

Twas a funny annoyance though.


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