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Few Questions


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Hey y'all! Well I have a few questions. I remember last year sometime hearing about this game and I now see the reviews are AWESOME! The only reason i would buy this game is for its multi-player. I as looked around some sites i couldn't find the advice i was looking for. I use to be an avid Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II multiplayer and some playing this game today may recognize me. I was looking for some view of you forum junkies if your guys wouldn't mind. Ok here are some questions i would like answered if you could:

#1. Is just playing the multiplayer well worth buying the game?

#2. Do many people have "lag problems" within the multiplayer gaming?

#3. Are the new features such as saber throwing and some new forces an added bonus or major headaches?

#4. Is there a way to do non force games like in some type of option screen?

#5. Has anyone seen the clan IRN (Iron Knights, previously from JK: DF II) and if you are a member or were a member plz e-mail me at naberrulz7@hotmail.com...ESPECIALLY if you are IRN_Alvin_Maker.

#6. Are the saber only duels well done?

#7. Do the graphics kick ass?

#8. Name any particular problems that you are experiencing, no someone that is experiencing, or any gripes you have on this game.


Okay, that is all i have to ask i would love is some people could give me their responces on the game because it looks awesome, and i think i want it, but dont know if i should fork over the 50-60$ to buy it if it is not going to be worth my time and money. Thanks for any help!!!


Thanks again,

FreeZe__FiRe - the one and only

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OK Freeze, I'll do my best to answer you:


1:I think so, but I haven't played it much yet.

2:I hear dial up is laggy. I have cable and it was smooth sailing when I was online.

3:As far as added powers and abilities, I think they are good. But, just like anything else, if you are handy with them, it's a bonus. If you are not, it's a headache.

4:Yes, there are non-force games, sabre only.

5:Don't know about IRN.

6:IMO, the sabre duels in SP are a 11 on a scale from 1-10. Like I said I have limited MP experience, but I'd say they are an 8.

7:I think the graphics are awesome.

8:I have 0 real problems with this game, technical or otherwise. I have a minor issue I discussed here http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38745

There have been a few technical issues, but nothing that couldn't be easily resolved(from my understanding).


If you cruise these boards you'll find more info about issues with the game. But I think you'll find that they are basically minimal and that most everyone finds JKOutcast a pleasurable experience.

Just don't get upset when the sky doesn't move. (inside joke)




Welcome to the boards BTW. Enjoy your stay in our anti-reality.

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