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Importing Q3 models?


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You may be able to, but you shouldn't because that is copyrighted stuff and ID will not be happy. They have said before that they are not allowing anyone to do that.


You could remake them entirely though.


- Vorax

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No offence but there are way too many rip offs in these forums. Quality new skins are never really created in a day and using models from other games is just wrong and illegal. Im not blaming you im just saying anyone thinking its cool becuase you got a skin or model to work in JKII that doesnt belong to you is just a thief. All of these comments on importing Quake III models could only mean one thing a rip about too happen cause if you were the original modler you would know the answer. No offence to the original poster and im not pointing the finger its just an FYI.


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using models from other games is just wrong and illegal. Im not blaming you im just saying anyone thinking its cool becuase you got a skin or model to work in JKII that doesnt belong to you is just a thief.


So, using models from other games (thieving) is wrong because its thieving?


Your gonna have to give some more to go on there buddy boy. Who says the guy copying the skins is from a state that recognizes copyright laws huh? I may live in China for all you bloody know. Gonna tell me pirating or copying these skins is wrong?


Skinners dont mind the spreading of their work, from my experience with them.

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Originally posted by Jafo

No offence but there are way too many rip offs in these forums. Quality new skins are never really created in a day and using models from other games is just wrong and illegal. Im not blaming you im just saying anyone thinking its cool becuase you got a skin or model to work in JKII that doesnt belong to you is just a thief. All of these comments on importing Quake III models could only mean one thing a rip about too happen cause if you were the original modler you would know the answer. No offence to the original poster and im not pointing the finger its just an FYI.



You appear to be totally in the blue here. If you get permission from the author, it is not thievery. And there is no use in creating the same model for jk2 from scratch if you have permission from the author to port it to jk2.




Mapper 4 Wired Lamp Studios


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I think you're misunderstanding what is being suggested. They're not models that ship with the game, or in any way are owned by ID. The models and skins in question are fan-made for Q3; if you can secure the permission of the authors to do the conversion, there's no question of legality. It's done quite a bit between games by fans; if the existing mesh and skin are decent, why re-invent the wheel? If the issue is creating a better version, that's a different story, and I totally agree, stuff designed for a specific game is usually best. But since there isn't such a thing yet...

If not being setup for ghoul is the issue, then that's something else entirely. Damn, would have been cool to be able to bring in some new, ready-made characters. Guess we'll have to wait for the SDK, whenever that finally gets released.

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Originally posted by Proto

OK, so can I convert .glm to .3ds or .max or any other format that 3D Max recognise and vice versa?


Soon - the guy from Raven that visits this forum wrote that they are working on an import/export plugin for 3ds max.

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