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Can you go 1rst person in MP?


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Sorry...there is no help from me...but I have been bugging people online and most people ignore me...or maybe they are playing...hmmm imagine that...one nice fellow told me you cannot, but Raven was going to fix that...I would certainly hope so. I know most people will say you and I are crazy for not wanting 3rd person view in multi saber matches but I played that way with the other Jedi and Mysteries of the Sith and kicked mucho butt that way...I just feel more emersed in the game; like I am really there with 1st person view. I sure hope someone replys...last night there was another post such as yours...and not one reply yet. I don't understand why it is so damn hard to get a simple answer. YES OR NO DAMMIT. If no...will it be fixed with a patch? Jeez people...please help us 1st person freaks here.:(:D:rolleyes:

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Heya snot =P I've played with you twice now, I remember the first time you were asking about it. I personally haven't found anything about the views yet.


I started off, however, badly wanting first person view with the saber. After giving third person a shot, I've come to appreciate and actually prefer it to the first person. Who knows, fiddle with it some more and maybe you'll feel the same =)

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