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Set lightsabers to FRAG!?


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it is not one hit kill, but rather alters the dismemberment so you can literally chop enemies apart - it also increases the damage of the saber but unless you get a lucky strike or a headshot or something similar it will not kill enemies outright who would not be killed by a saber strike anyway (ie reborn still take several hits to kill unless you hit a vulnerable point like head or chest)


the commands to enable it are:


HelpUsObi 1

g_realisticSaberCombat 1


(press shift ~ to bring up the console)

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Actually it's g_saberRealisticCombat, and yes, it makes things nasty. I've been dropped with one hit from full health and shields by a Reborn--nasty, but you can do the same to them. My first duel with Tavion lasted about a minute.

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If any of you have ever recognised the consept of paper instead of silicon (I did last year !!!) you would have read "THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO WEAPONS AND TECHNOLOGY" which says on page 58 (I take this point to preach to you the glories of the library...)


"Panels controlled each blades intensity: at it's highest setting, a blade was like any other lightsaber (deadly or FRAG), ... At lowest intensity a blade became a simple blade of light."


This is one explaination for this mystery. Now your reading books go and get all of Kevin J Andersonns Jedi Trilogy out of the library (or you could buy it, but that costs money)


-SDarkShadow [K-OS]

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I would love the ability to use my lightsabre to melt through locked steel doors like in The Phantom Menace. That would rock so much ass and no need for hunting a fecking key down which is left in this completly out of place area. Like inside a coconut in one of a thousand palm trees which is in the core of the death star.


Okay that example of a ill-placed key is extreame but you got to admit those stupid remnant imperials like putting the keys and switches in some out of the way places almost impossible to find!

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