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Another Bug for JO please help. Error: r_load MDXM


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I've been reading this forum since I've got the game being I have so many bugs for probably one of the greatest games of all time. Man, I've been waiting for this game since JK, thats 5 years now man.


Anyway, short and sweet:

Finally got my Saber (yavin trials) and now the next level I get this message.





has more than 2000

triangles on a surface






Now its affecting the only flawless joy JK2 gave me, MP.




700 athlon

512 ram

voodoo 5 5500 - wicked gl

(thank you guys!! WHOOO!!)

thats all the important stuff



Is it the pathetic Voodoo problem?

Should I just get a new card?

if so any recs?


This is dumb, game starting to pick up some, and BANG! I'm screwed again. Now I can't even play the MP. Fun while it lasted. Pretty soon I'll just go back to JK and play with the SBX3.0 mod.


Thought I had my problems beat when I got the Wicked GL thing to work. . .again THANK YOU FORUM PEOPLE!


Can someone PLEAAAASE Help me?

You guys did with the Voodoo GL problem, I know you can help this.



Thanks Again



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Well I dont think that its a graphics problem....


I have a voodoo 4 4500 agp and I have had probably all the same graphics problems you had...


Have you to tried to re-install JK-2 yet..... its possible that the assests pk3 files were corrupted by a lock-up or system freeze


Note : Try installing JK-2 to a different directory than the default.


You'll have to run the Wicked Gl config again ( goes very quick )


I had a few errors with the skins not loading correctly in MP

and I re-installed the game and it worked fine once it was all configured again.






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  • 3 weeks later...



i get a similiar problem Matthias03, when starting the ns_hideout level it came up with this error


Error: R_LoadMDXM


has more than 2000

triangles on a surface



Everything has been fine till this level, the game has been great!

Now I get to this level and get this! damn!

I can sometimes get the level to load but at a certain point on the map the game will freeze and kick me out to Windows ( the display is ultra bright/washed out look). Have tried different resolutions and drivers ( Have a Geforce2 MX 400 64Mb )


Problem persists. Have you found anything out regarding this?

I have tried re-installing but not to a different directory ( gonna try that now! ).


System Specs:

Athlon TB 1400, 256mb PC133 SDRam, Geforce2 MX 400, Epox VIA KT133A ATX Mainboard, Windows 2000 Pro SP2.

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