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Anyone know what I need to do next... I am stuck in this big room in Kejim base with turrets, this is where the ice cold room is... I have killed everyone here and climbed up on the crane in the ice room and went up top and found a few guys up there near a window... I killed them, I crawled around on the edge and found a secret room, etc... but I can not get past this....... there must be something to do in that HUGE room with the guns.. I destroyed the guns, but it seems there is only one way in and one way out of that room, I also pushed a few other buttons around... but no luck..


Any ideas??





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ok, from that ice cold room...

that post in the middle of the room has a arm extending from it..

you need to jump on that arm, then walk away from the center post and keep jumping until you make it to the top of the end of that thing. Then, walk straight across the grid floor with the yellow stripes on the sides until you come to the door. Open the door and walk the catwalk to the RIGHT all the way around and shoot the guys inside that room. Then, walk up the the window them guys were in, shoot the yellow box inside that room to the left which will, blow the switch openening the door to that room. Take the cat walk the opposite way all the way around so you can now enter that room. Hit the switch in that room, take the elevator down in that room, hit the switch in the lower part, go back up, a catwalk now slid out from the lower part of that room giving you access to the center tower on the ground level. Go in there and have fun ;)

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I'm also stuck there which is why I contacted the forum. I've gone back and forth through this place, found the secret room, but nothing ... can't open the red doors, so there has got to be a key somewhere - video screen shows a commander I think I need to kill to get it.


I'm down to 4 points of life, no armor, and can't find any more bacterial first aid ointment or med kit. Anyone know how to get to ointment cannisters in the red/gray room as well - can see a bunch of it sitting on top of the wall things that can't be reached.

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