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New skin, and some questions.


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Alright, so I've cooked up this skin for the jeditrainer model, but I can't seem to get it ingame. I've followed the tutorial Gummelt posted, but its a bit vague. First of all, Im using the SOF2 skin viewer. I can only load the textures in TGA format, which is either a thing with SOF2Skinview, or JK2 as well...I dont know. Second of all, Ive tried the pk3 thing to try and get it into my game, but I've had no luck. I'm a m@d Q3 newbie, and this is my first non-HL skin, so a bit of help as to what EXACTLY needs to be done to get it ingame would help.



PS: Ive got the same problem as Aiee on the Lucasarts forums does. Game crashes and gives me a "Requested feature omitted at compile time" error.

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