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Just how many dismemberment zones ARE there?


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Ive noticed that there must be 3 zones in the arm along. At the shoulder, at the elbow, in the middle of the forearm, and at the wrist for each arm. Thats 6 all together. Then theres the hip and the knee (and possible the foot?) which adds 4 more, and the head and the waist which adds 2 more.

12 zones Ive counted, thats pretty damn cool. Now if only they split the body and waist vertically, adding 2 more, allowing for a down the middle attack.

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Guest Forceflow

I am not sure, but somewhere I heard there are 24 (or was it 27, not sure) I know you can cut your oponents into half, but you need to change one of the console seetings for that. (Not sure which one) I think it's the proability to chop 'em. I had it set and when I let loose my lightsaber I was literally chopping them into bits and pieces, I found it a bit too much.

Though the cuting in half doesn't seem to be finished as there wa the texture missing that normally apears at the end of wounds.

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Well basicly they only work in Single Player cause when u turn them of in Multiplayer the server becomes unstable.


This is how u do it:


Multiplayer dismemberment:

G_dismember 100

cg_dismember 1


do it when u've started the server



for saber realistic fights in SP type:


HelpUsobi 1

g_saberRealisticCombat 1

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It's funny. The other day, I did a battle with Tavion. We locked 'Sabers, and I won the lock. I inputted a command, and I did a very, very clean vertical slice from top to bottom (with slo-mo on). I rarely am able to pull of a move with such precesion before. It was a breathtaking sight. Two-handed grip, round pull upwards, and then a sharp, clean, fast slice downwards, touching her head, and going all the way down to the...well...crotch. I could just imagine her being chopped into two symeterical halfs.


But instead, her head fell off, and her torso disconnected with her waist. And she crumpled to the ground in a heap. Talk about ruining the moment! '-)


Yech.. This needs to be fixed in a mod - adding a vertical dismemberment zone to the models would be killer! Litterally. But that would take a lot of work, as he/she would need to do it for each model. Oh well.


At least that slice was magnifacent. ;-)

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Wow, nicely done. :)


In SP, all I ever seem to get are arm dismemberments which is sorta boring. I'd love to see a head roll off. Maybe I need to play around in MP more.


Does anyone know how dismemberment supposedly makes MP unstable as someone mentioned in this thread?

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