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Hoth Level???


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I don't know if anyone has been talking about this yet, but I unzipped the pak files and found some textures in a folder called "Hoth." Does anyone know if this level exists or what this is for? I couldn't find a Hoth map anywhere...what's the deal?

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erm no , no pk3 files are hidden , the pk3 is an archive , you cant conceal files within an archive unless they are other files renamed which is stupid



and your secret easter egg level is bull**** ok just stop jabbering about it april fools was over a long time ago

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Originally posted by Vodkamartini

Dont forget some of the pk3 files are hidden - as I keep telling you all!


type usemap td1 into console and restart on Jedi Master difficulty. Play through the whol game without ANY cheats and you will be rewarded with a new cutscene and level.:deathii::):D


You didnt say for us to not use cheats the first time...

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To get to the bottom of this, I'm going to load every single map in the pak file and see (using console commands) if any of them load the Hoth textures. I'm hoping that maybe there's an easter egg area somewhere that you can enter that uses them -- not a whole level or anything, just a room maybe as in other games -- who knows? At least I'll know for sure one way or the other. Maybe they'll be in the Jedi Outcast add-on missions pack. : )

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Well, I wouldn't devulge too much time into it, like I said, it's probably data that "Was to be" but didn't make it into the game.


designer:"Lets put in a hoth stage!"

producer:" oh yeah that's a new concept... lemmie see here, Empire strikes back on all platforms, Shadows of the empire, both Rogue Squadron and Rogue Leader.. etc"

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When you think about it, there isn't much you can do at Hoth during the timeframe of the game. Sure, there are some Wampas wondering around the deserted remains of Echo base, but there's really no reason to go back there. If I had to choose between Bespin and Hoth, I'd choose Bespin. But, if I had to choose between Nar Shadaa and Hoth, Hoth wins hands-down.

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Originally posted by Vodkamartini

Dont forget some of the pk3 files are hidden - as I keep telling you all!


type usemap td1 into console and restart on Jedi Master difficulty. Play through the whol game without ANY cheats and you will be rewarded with a new cutscene and level.:deathii::):D


Ugh, why don't you just stop trying to convince people of this? Nobody believes you, because you keep changing the method needed and you sound like you're just talking out your arse. There are only two *.pk3 files used by the game, or even on the CD for that matter. That "oh, they're hidden" crap won't work, because the only way Raven could hide them would be to set them as "Hidden" in the attributes. However, most people have "Show all files" enabled, so it's a moot point. "Usemap" isn't even a console command, I know because I've searched the entire jk2gamex86.dll file for it. The only maps in either of the *.pk3 files are the single player maps, the multiplayer maps, and the pit map. There aren't any additional maps in either of these files, and they can't exist anywhere else. Therefore, your "secret Yavin level" bullcrap is just a hoax, and you are, as another poster has said, a "Eugene". :p

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Okay, Hoth mystery solved...the level called "Kejim_Base" loads the Hoth textures. I was really excited when I found them until I looked around the level and figured out that they are used to create the freezing chamber thing you have to go through at the beginning. I guess the other guy was right and they were going to make a hoth level but changed their minds. Otherwise, why would the files be in a folder called "Hoth"?

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