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THEE MP Force analysis


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ADMIN-please move this to the help forum. I thought I was in it when i wrote this. And take this line out when you do.


I wanted to start a thread on the pros and cons of the powers because there is a lot of misinformation out there. These are my opinions and of course I will miss something. Also, i'm a lightside player so my experience is mainly there. I welcome any additions and will add them to this message with credit. I wrote this at 4am, So I know I missed some stuff.



Light Side


Heal - Heals yourself. This should be changed to be more like Sp, IMO, to cut down on the healers and provide better tactics then Get tapped, heal, get whacked, 3x heal, repeat.

Pros: Ummm... heals. haven't tested lvl 1 much. lvl 2 heals 25 points. lvl 3 heals 50. If i'm not mistaken at lvl 2 u can use while attacking.

Cons: Not any but prolongs duels. Also, some folks call it a noob power. Whatever. I personally use its if i get at like 20 hps and only use lvl 2.


Team Heal - About the same as heal but for teammates and not you. Each lvl adds better heal and radius.

Pros: Heals

Cons: Useless in duels


Mind Trick - Makes u dissapear to opponents. Each lvl makes it easier to use. Lvl 1 u have to target someone. Lvl 2 it affects enemies in sight. Lvl 3 no target needed and affects all enemies. And are immune to sniper fire, according to Raven, I haven't tested Can't be used to counter grip as previously stated. I just got lucky I guess. Thanks RedEye

Pro: Allows you to sneak up on folks or get away if needed. Cons: Can be countered by force seeing.


Protect - Uses force power to absorb damage basically creating another lvl of shielding. each lvl absorbs more damage for less force power.

Pros: extra sheilding.

Cons: drains power fast


Absorb - absorbs force attacks and adds power. It absorbs grip, lightning and slows drain a little. Each lvl absorbs more. If someone gips you turn it on ASAP, they will drop u immediately,leaving them open to attack. Also, i try to use as I get gripped or lightning, or low on power and need a recharge.

Also, Unconfirmed, seems to minimize push and pull. will do some test on this one.

Pros: fills power bar. Negates grip and lightning. This is a must have power.

Cons: Drains power.


Dark Side


Drain :evil6: - drains enemy's power and gives health. Each lvl drains power faster and at a greater arc. At the moment, this seems to be totally unbalanced. Right now, You can totally spam it, leaving people open to the Drain/Grip combo. Added with help, Can be "countered" with Drain. Not a TRUE counter but it works and I did know this just didn't put it in orignal post.

Pros: neutralizes people who use powers alot and heals ya.

Cons: It leaves you open to attack while using.


Lightning - Shoots lightning. Each lvl can be used longer and increases damage and radius.

Pro: Quick extra damage. Good against runners.

Cons: leaves u open to attack. Drains power fast. Can be countered with Absorb.


Dark Rage - Speeds you up, increases damage and drians your health. Each lvl increases the effect.

Pros: Makes you a powerhouse of damage.

Cons: Drains your health. Needs nice amount of power to start it. Slows you down after the effect stops.


Team Energize - gives teammates more power. About the same as team heal but for power.

Pros: Gives teammates more power

Cons: you don't get any. Useless in duel


Grip - Grabs enemy and chokes them. Each lvl increases the damage and your control over victim.Can be countered with Push, Pull, Mind trick, and thrown Sabre.

Pros: Good against runners. Can be used to drop someone over an edge. Can you victim as a human shield. At lvl 2 u can still move and throw sabre.

Cons: Leaves you open to attack. Easily countered.




Jump - UMMM.. makes u jump... hehe. Each lvl allows you to jump farther. At lvl 2, it allows you to do a Matrix wall run.

Pros: Quick getaway. attack from above.

Cons: Leaves u open to be pushed or pulled. drains power.


Seeing - Allows you to see enemies that Mind tricked you. Lvl 2 increases the radius and you see thru walls. Lvl 3, u see all enemies and so can your team.

Pro: negates mind trick, Good for scouts.

Cons: Stops power regen.


Push - Pushes enemy. Each lvl increases radius and distance thrown. Can counter grip with a chance of knocking down enemy leaving the enemy open for attack. Can push folks into walls and objects to do damage. Can easily push people jumping at you possible causeing them to take fall damage. Counters drain by pushing them out of range or down to ground, you have to be ready for this though. Can Push thrown Sabres back to the enemy. Unconfirmed, can push thrown sabres out of enemy control, making it fall to ground. Can push rockets and other projectiles, mines, and detpak.

Pros: Good against rockets, repeater alt fire, flectite alt fire, and grenades. Has good chance of knocking down enemy or off edges(cheap).

Cons: none


Pull - pulls someone to you and possibly knocking them down. Lvl 2 increases distance and has chance of pulling weapon from enemy. Lvl 3 increases distance and radius. Counters drain by knocking them down. Able to counter grip. Unconfirmed, can pull thrown sabres out of enemy control.

Pros: Good against runners. Can pull enemy to you so you can hit. can pull people off ledges. Can pull enemy to ground. Can stop enemy swinging. Can pull a ledge pusher off ledge with you.... ultimate revenge... hehe.

Cons: May get you kill if you time it wrong I.E. person is in full strong swing animation, this usually means death.


Speed - speeds you up. Each lvl makes you faster. Kind of a counter to Rage but with out the extra damage and health drop.

Pros: good against runners. Quick getaway.

Cons: Actually may make you easier to kill if you don't know what you are doing or against a good opponent.


Sabre Skills


Offense - Makes you better at using Sabre. More damage.


Defense - Makes you better at blocking Sabres and weapons fire.


Throw - Ability to throw sabre at enemy. Each lvl increases distance and control while it is in air. Lvl 3 actually will home in on enemy. Can be used to hit multiple enemies. Unconfirmed, pull or push can knock thrown sabre to the ground. one of these can do it not sure which one yet, i think pull. and not sure at what lvl push or pull needs to be at.

Pros: good against runners.

Cons: Leaves you open to attack. easy to block. can be knocked to ground.


Thats it for now. I will be editing this. And confirming some of my ideas. Please add feedback as I will add it to this post and give credit.

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well, he did proclaim, first of all, to be THEE MP Force analysis, so i dont see a reason why i should call him an idiot...blind leading the blind....if it wasnt the blind leader's fault that he was blind, i would call the blind leader and followers that THEY were idiots...and besides....he gave that option in his poll, so hes open to that criticism =)


overall, unless someone is persistent with their narrow views, i usually give them a break heh


dont take offense to much of what i say.....im just here to help....this is how i deal with my friends, and they are used to it =)

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I'm in the "drain could use some tweaking" camp as well. Though I admit that I'm getting much better at avoiding it. The only thing I'd change about it though, is to slightly reduce the rate at which it drains the opponent's force.


On the other hand, and I'm saying this as a light-sider, I feel that heal is a little unbalanced as well. It simply works too well, for too little force power usage, too quickly. Again, I'd say, just slow down the rate that the health is restored. That way, the light-sider would have to actually disengage from a battle in order to heal. As it stands now, the light-sider can get an instant health injection mid-battle without any kind of break in the action. I don't think it even lowers his defence and even if it does, it happens so quick it'd rarely matter. Not even drain gives that kind of healing goodness.


Everything else (force-wise) seems well balanced as far as I can tell.

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

like your poll choice, you are an idiot...


drain is easily counterable, and you merely show off your ignorance by saying it is uncounterable...


among other things..


I think you should revisit trying to play against good players that use Drain and see if you can counter it WITHOUT using Drain yourself.


The fact that you thought that Absorb will allow people to gain force off of Drain in another thread puts in in the "blind" department as well, don't you think? =)



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The reason I called this THEE MP force anylasis is because I wanted to get all info in one spot. Like I said, I will be editing my post as I notice more or you all add something. Also, Let me tell you all, i'm not a noob. I always place in the top 3 on a server. Usually 1st in duels and have outright won plenty of duels with and without powers. Base your thoughts about this post on what is in this post. If I made a mistake correct it. If I missed something Add to it.


Answers to recent posts:




thrEEpaGe - It depends on the way you think of a counter. What I mean by counter is a power that can negate its effect on you, like using absorb against drain or lightning. Which actually ends up helping you. Also, I left out certain obvious tactics. This is a power anylasis, not a real tactics post. Of course, you can counter Drain with Drain but it isn't a TRUE counter. As for calling me an idiot, I don't mind but why don't you explain why and not just say that I am.

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Well good start for the analysis, only thing i didn t know was the mind trick escape from grip but it s good for noobs to have info on what does the powers and what to use to counter some


Also i think that u could have described pull a bit more

Playing on FFA servers i consider this skill a must have ( along with push ) simply coz it s not "a chance" of stealing weapons that it offers but 100% steal when u know the effective range and get a habit of it .....invaluable vs gun users


Also would like to know the Real differences between the levels of Push, pull and Grip ....personnally i use them at lvl 3 and didn t tested them much at inferior levels

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I'll do some more testing tomorrow on the push, pull, and grip levels. As you said, You Can pull weapons if at the right range.


I did some more test om my mind trick escape seems it doesn't work. I guess i got lucky those times. Guess they ran out of power or something. Thanks for pointing that out and I will correct the post


Btw... all are welcome to add your thoughts. I just Modify the original post. Anyone want to help me do some tests find of hard working 2 computers and bots don't do what i want them to do. My cousin is scared of me so he wont help.

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