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"Duel of the Fates" in SP


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Make sure that you are actually changing the file extension from *.zip to *.pk3... If Windows is NOT set to show file extension (I.E. somewhere in the settings, folders selection from the start menu there is an option to "Hide known file extensions" which must be UNclicked) it will just rename the file "file.pk3.zip" but only show you "file.pk3" because the *.zip part is a known file extension therefore hidden. That might explain why it's not finding the files.


Hope that helps.

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You dont need to make it a PK3 file...


Simple Way :


1) Goto wherever you installed the game, go into the Game Data FOLDER, then to the BASE FOLDER


ex . Game Data\Base


2) Create a new folder here, for the sake of user-friendliness call it "Songs"


ex . Right Click open area, New Folder then Name it Songs


3) transfer ANY MP3 to that folder you may want to access during the game. FYI, it is much easier to rename your songs to Single word Names


ex . Rename Duel of the Fates to simply "Duel" (no quotes)


4) during the game you can access the console (Shift + ~ key)

at which point you would type (if you named your folder SONGS)


music songs/duel


This should begin to play Duel of the Fates in the game. MAKE SURE THE MP3's are 44kps in Winamp before trying them in the game, if they arent JK will give you a red error message stating the file is not 441000kps and it wont play


So Simply :


Create a Folder in Game Data\base called "Songs"


Transfer any desired MP3 to that folder, rename to simple easy to remember name ("Duel" instead of "Duel of the Fates")


Bring up console in game, type "music songs/duel" (or whatever song you like)


PS like stated MANY times above you can bind any key to run any song i.e.


bind "l" music songs/duel



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To be able to see a file's extension (what type of file it is) open up a folder, go to tools > folder options and then click the tab View.


Under Advanced Settings there is a checkbox 'Hide extensions for known file types'.


Uncheck this if it is checked and then click ok.


This will show the extensions for all files. (wav files will become name.wav and zips will become name.zip, for example)


To turn it off go back to that same option but instead check it on.


I hope this helps those that didn't know.


Btw this is how it's done in WinXP so it might differ with different windows versions.

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You dont need to make it a PK3 file...


The way you are describing never worked for me :(

Thats the first thing I tried. Strange.


Also I imagine you mean 44Khz when you said bps



Can you really get this to work like that Darth Obvious?

With other songs than the duel song I mean. (because if you downloaded it from the file available on the website...then it was already pk3 and that could be why that one works)

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Thanks for the replies.


Darth, I tried to do it your way and it ejected me from the game. So I must have been doing something wrong. Oh well.


Weegie246, your way worked. I was able to change my winzip files into .pk3s and the songs played during the game.

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I HATE to unearth an old thread but it's the only thing I can think of to get an answer to this problem without adding a NEW thread which will add to the clutter. I have tried it BOTH ways and it keeps telling me that it can't find the file. YET, it works on the main screen. That's right. In the actual GAME it dosn't work. On the IN GAME BROWSER it DOES. wtf??

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...I have tried it BOTH ways and it keeps telling me that it can't find the file. YET, it works on the main screen. That's right. In the actual GAME it dosn't work. On the IN GAME BROWSER it DOES. wtf??


If you are referring to the duel music that was made available to download in a pk3 file...then yes...I think it was meant to be played in the MP menu. So that’s why you are getting it there. If you have that installed...and can't call up the song at will...then you are typing in your command wrong or something.


If it’s the file I think it is...this it what you need to type in console to call up the duel song in any game at any time:


music music/mp/duel



Give that a try...It will work if it’s the file I think it is.

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ok,,, i got it to work but not the way that i thought it would.

heres how..

i made a folder and named it mysongs

put the music in it.

i got this program call pakskape....you can down load it

dragged the mysongs folder into pakskape and saved it as test.pk3 file.


put that into my outcast base folder....

and all i have to do is type into the console this

music mysongs/NameOfTheSongHere

and it works

thanx for the info guys

and you can download pakskape at


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IMF, I got it to work rather easily. It works great now that I have 6 or 7 songs bound to different keys... Fun to change the song to up the adrenalin level.


Not sure why its not working for some folks, I will try to record it in working order tonight with my digicam (30 second MOV file) showing it in action.

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To Darth Obvious


Ok...I've just tried it again with just the mp3's..and it doesn't work for me. It works fine withe the pk3 file I made though. So I guess its not really important as long as it works :) Ohh well maybe its a version thing...just noticed I have v1.02 does everyone have that version?



I have about 7 songs binded. I remixed a few in sound forge. Its very cool to pull out any mood song at will :)

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I cant rename the extension, it just lets me choose the application to runnit. in my window it doesnt say test.zip it syas, test, thats it. When i try to rename the file it just chnages it to test.pk3.zip I cant seem to change the file typ jsut the application that opens it. Help !





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PRAXEUM, if you read the earlier messages you would know but i'll repeat it. Go into the Start Menu, get into Settings, then click on Folder Options. Open the view tab, look for the "Hide file extensions for known file types" unclick it and you should be able to change the file type. BTW: I also cannot change my mp3's to 44 kbps if anyone could help it would be much appreatiated (sp?)

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I also cannot change my mp3's to 44 kbps if anyone could help it would be much appreatiated




The 44bps was a mistake. It was in reference to 44 KHz.

The bps is not an issue I believe. I have mine at 128bps or 192bps. But I do believe they have to be at 44.1 KHz. This isn’t a big problem because most mp3’s are at 44.1 KHz unless they were meant for really low quality.

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