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Simple Quick And Dirty Guide for J2K Multiplay


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Those are nice strategies, but hardly anything new. Players have done similar things to me online and it works maybe...once, twice?


Here's how you deal with gun lamers:


Gun Lamer: Shooting at your feet with blaster-style weapon.

ArtifeX: Ducks. All of the gun lamer's shots come back in his face.


Gun Lamer: Close range, Spamming Repeater alt-fire bombs or any other projectile weapon.

ArtifeX: Level 3 Force Pull. Gun Lamer is now a Bryar pistol limp-dick.


Gun Lamer: Long Range, Spamming Repeater alt-fire bombs or any other projectile weapon.

ArtifeX: Level 3 Force Push. Gun Lamer is brutalized by his own reflected shots.


Gun Lamer: Is camping in an intricate mine field of Det Packs.

ArtifeX (Dark side): Level 3 Force Rage. You can't die. You can be reduced to 1 health, but you can't die until Force Rage is spent. You've got 30 seconds where you can walk into every single trip mine, grenade and det pack that the Gun Lamer can throw at you, but you won't die. Just keep a bacta tank for when it runs out.

ArtifeX (Light Side): Mind Trick Level 3. Just turn it on and wait for the Gun Lamer to panic and blow his minefield thinking you're in it somewhere. Of course, Force push his grenade back in his face if he tosses one.


Gun Lamer: Sniping with Disruptor.

ArtifeX: True Sight Level 3. This makes you immune to sniper fire. Turn it on and hunt you up some Gun Lamer.


I welcome any retorts, bishop.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


I welcome any retorts, bishop.


yes, but most people dont think like you. I have seen people like you. i get away easy. I bet you could kick my @$$ but over all, i could get away with from you if i feel the need to pull out.

and i dont snipe, i hate sniping. But you might think you do all that stuff, but in close quaters, its ****.



of course all of this being friendly :D


Thanks for your comments :)

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My only comment would be to remove the world Lamer. The sabre and guns are both viable aspects of the game. There should be no discrimination between the two. Personnal I use what ever i believe to be the best tool for the job at the time.

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Originally posted by Winja

My only comment would be to remove the world Lamer. The sabre and guns are both viable aspects of the game. There should be no discrimination between the two. Personnal I use what ever i believe to be the best tool for the job at the time.


hey, i gotta inject some life some how!

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