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Killed by others while deuling?


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I hate to use this as my first post, but I have to ask. I was playing last night on Boomtown II. While im in the ffa_nar_shadda level with all the walkways, no less than three times I'd get challenge or be challenged to duels. We'd set it up and run up to a platform. The glow comes up, and we whip out our sabres....and somebody else runs up with a rocket launcher and blasts me, or cuts me down with their strong sabre. The third time, the other guy in my deul got killed by someone with a heavy repeater! I looked all through my manual and everything I read says youre supposed to not be affected by other players while your in a deul! Am I missing something?!

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I was wondering about this as well...


I was engaged in a duel the other night, and someone ran up behind me. He didn't try to attack, he was standing with his saber drawn, waiting for the winner so he could challenge.


Well, I backed into his saber as he stood there and took damage. I found it very odd ;)


I've also taken damage from other players at other times while dueling. It's a bug I guess. Doesn't happen all the time, just now and then.

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Exactly, it was majorly irritating, cause there was 12 other people running around that server. We wouldnt even have time to start the duel before somebody else would come up and waste at least one of us, possibly both. When youre in a duel you're ignoring everybody else, so I wasnt worried about the guy with the rocketlauncher, till he fried me. I know i could just join a sabreduel only server. I'm thinking if its a bug it Definately needs to be fixed.

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Agreed. Although I'm often on the other side. I have no problem with taking people out in a free for all, and I haven't seen any duel circels, but maybe the glich is that other's don't see it, unless any of you have. I apoligize in advance if I nail you with the distuptor while you're dueling, but in a free for all, it's free for all. I'll check my shots from now on though.


Oh, and just so you don't think I'm totally without honor or am a snake in the grass. I hate it when that happens to me, but hey, it's a free for all. Now, if I'm in a duel that's different, and I've never taken anybody out who were in an orginized duel. I just shoot the ones who run around like a chicken with their head cut off.

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I don't think you guys quite understand...


We are referring to the duel mode, where you walk up to someone, press "K" and enter a protected duel. During that time, other players are supposed to be unable to hurt you.


On occasion, however, I've been sabered/shot/blasted/force pushed/pulled by people NOT in the duel. Again, it doesn't happen all the time, just once in a while.

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seems very weird, its never happened 2 me and i love dueling..:confused:

if it is a glitch in the game, it definately needs fixing in the next patch, witch i believe is out some time soon?

and 1 think i hate is when ure preparing to duel, just about 2 press K and some 1 comes and wastes you so when u enter duel your very low on health.. :mad:

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I've never been harmed by another player in a duel. However, I have noticed that people can stand in your way and prevent you from moving cleanly. Some newbie got in the middle of one of my duels the other day. He couldn't hurt us, but he did make it very difficult to move towards the target. Maybe something could mark a duel more clearly?

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I just was in a duel and my opponent was killed by someone else. We had become slightly separated and someone threw a saber at my opponent. He died but the message said that I won the duel. I am certain that I did not kill him and that it was the thrown saber. This must be a bug.

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