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How many ppl hold down the primary attack button?


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I'm just curious... but how many ppl hold down the primary attack button when they're using the lightsaber?


I know I do but I don't continuously hold it down througout and spin light crazy. I'll hold the button down to do some combo moves then stop and block, check out my opponent, etc.


I find that not holding down the button I can't do combo moves as easily or none at all. What do you guys think?

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Really depends on stance, in light it really doesn't make a difference since you attack so fast anyways, though as you start switching stances into things more slower, you'll want to stop holding it down to get the element of timing.

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If I'm in a sabers-only FFA and I come upon a furball of like six guys hacking and slashing, I'll set style to medium and run in, primary fire blasting (so to speak). However, if I'm in a duel situation I'll try to time my strikes, so that I don't look like a flailing n00b.

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