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Swords at Dawn for true Jedi!


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To all those out there who love a good lightsabers only duel. To all those who are sick of being hit by rockets in the middle of an engaging battle. I am going to periodically have a dedicated server up on my machine at home. The name is Swords at Dawn US (apologies to the original servers with that name, I thought it was a suitable server name and this one is located in the US).


It is set for Lightsabers only, and the Massamari (or however you spell it) temple map with a 6 player limit. It is intended for true dueling. DO not go in there if you are looking for cheap kills. Go in there if you want to match your skills against other Jedi with sabers only.




If someone stands with Lightsaber off, they are wanting and awaiting a duel. Don't run up and hack at them. Approach with your own lightsaber off if you want to fight them.


If two people are fighting, don't run in and join the battle. Watch from a respectable distance and let them finish.


The server ip is:


It will not be up 24/7, but during the day, overnight, and some evenings. Enjoy!

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I would suggest that you password it and post the password here. That way the people who haven't read your server rules on this forum will not have access to it. Between this forum and the people that you expect the play on your server, the password should spread through the right crowd.


Just a though.

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Originally posted by Riven_BW

To all those out there who love a good lightsabers only duel. To all those who are sick of being hit by rockets in the middle of an engaging battle. I am going to periodically have a dedicated server up on my machine at home. The name is Swords at Dawn US (apologies to the original servers with that name, I thought it was a suitable server name and this one is located in the US).


It is set for Lightsabers only, and the Massamari (or however you spell it) temple map with a 6 player limit. It is intended for true dueling. DO not go in there if you are looking for cheap kills. Go in there if you want to match your skills against other Jedi with sabers only.




If someone stands with Lightsaber off, they are wanting and awaiting a duel. Don't run up and hack at them. Approach with your own lightsaber off if you want to fight them.


If two people are fighting, don't run in and join the battle. Watch from a respectable distance and let them finish.


The server ip is:


It will not be up 24/7, but during the day, overnight, and some evenings. Enjoy!


Uh, my nothing but duels server "Swords at Dawn" is already in the U.S. and has been up since the game was released. Additionally, stats are available.




Perhaps you would prefer a more original name for your part-time server?

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Wowsers. No need to get touchy :) The way someone posted it in another thread, it made it sound like the SERVER was in Austria, not that it was hosted by "The Austrian". I'll get a new name for it!


The new server name will be:


Showdown at Dagobah


Password: honor


Come one, come all!

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Originally posted by The Austrian


Uh, my nothing but duels server "Swords at Dawn" is already in the U.S. and has been up since the game was released. Additionally, stats are available.




Perhaps you would prefer a more original name for your part-time server?




Yeah, you're SO original yourself. I bet no one ever thought of the phrase "Swords at Dawn" for anything, ever, in the entire world...before you did for JK2. ;)


Point being, lighten up. You make it sound like copyright infringement.

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Server is in Atlanta, Georgia. And thanks for the praise guys. It is down today, but I am hoping my clan will have a dedicated full-time up within a couple of days. If so, it will be a sabers only, dueling server pretty much like the Showdown at Dagobah :) (because heaven forbid I should call it Swords at Dawn *grin*) The server will be back up later on today though (after about 2pm est.)


On another note, I would like to get an online list somewhere of servers just for those of us who like to duel. We could form our own community!

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It is on cable. I live in an area that has bunches of old people, so hardly anyone else in the area uses cable internet. Got a very quick connection there.


Also, for those of you who like the server and the idea behind it, go look at my thread called "Lightsaber Duelists Read!"


Basically want to get a community of us duelists together and have a server network, maybe set up some joint training/practice and some fun competitions too. Take a peek!

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Originally posted by Riven_BW


The new server name will be:


Showdown at Dagobah


Password: honor


Come one, come all! [/b]


Nice server Riven_BW. Had some fun on it tonight, but it really needs the password. First few people were observing the rules, but then as more people joined, it turned into a typically FFA hack-fest.


Got killed standing still w/ my saber off, slashed in the back, etc. :mad:


Oh yeah, needs to cycle maps automatically.



Again, thanks for putting up the server. Has a lot of potential!



Sup3rFly TNT

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