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JK2 MP like RtCW?


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I took this from Penny Arcade:


It doesn’t take an astromech droid to figure out that what is needed here is mission based multiplayer matches along the lines of RTCW or Medal of Honor. Just take a second and imagine the wealth of possibilities. One of the multiplayer levels could drop you into the battle of Hoth. You would have rebels on one side imperials on the other. If you joined the rebellion you would play as a rebel trooper. Your objectives would be to defend echo base and protect the escaping transports. If you joined the empire you would play as a snow trooper in the Imperial death squadron. Your objectives would be to infiltrate Echo base and destroy the transports. There would be no Gamorreans running around using force jump. You would either be a rebel soldier or a snow trooper and you would have the appropriate weapons and abilities. You don’t even have to stick to battles from the movies if you don’t want to. How about a mission in which the rebels have to destroy a new advanced tie fighter that is located at some imperial testing facility. The mission objectives are endless.


I really think this is a great idea.


RAVEN, would this be possible in a *BIG* patch or something?

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This sounds like something that might get "foxed" if it were done as a mod. It's too good an idea not to be in development somewhere on the professional level. Still, if someone does this as a mod, I'm in. I'd love to see something with a group of Jedi against a Remnant installation or missions inspired by Episodes I and II. So far we PC gamers don't have any FPS action for the prequels.

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With all the suggestions that have been bandied about this board for the past week, I'd suggest to Raven that they do what they did with Elite Force: release an addon pack that incorporates patches, things they would have liked in the game but didn't have time for, new MP options, extra models- you get the drift.

I for one would shell out for it, assuming it'd be in the £15-20 bracket.



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Originally posted by enDless_Deliriu

Actually they might, especially if Lucas is working on an official Star Wars game that does what the mod offers. Or if they're working it into an expansion pack for JKII.


I'm sure that there will be a very similar EULA for mod developers that will protect the intellectual property owners (Lucasarts) as well as the developers themselves... so long as they follow the rules.


As far as a mod getting foxed for adding content of a Star Wars nature to a game based on the Star Wars universe... that's like saying that any Quake mod that used the word "Stroggos" in the title could get foxed by id.


Let me ponder that a bit.


Yeah, I suppose id COULD fox a mod called Revenge of the Stroggos (which is an actual mod if I remember correctly). I think the difference here is that id doesn't give a poop, and Lucasarts might.




I seriously doubt that if you stuck to the basics of gamerules already present in JK2 (CTF, CTY, Jedi Master, etc.) you'd be perfectly safe... even if someone planed on making a "Jedi Knight: Team Arena" SKU. Hell... if anything, Team Arena stole from the mod community more than anything. ;)



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