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The girl with the lightsaber


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how do i kill the girl with the lightsaber when i meet her in a fight. when she tells me that they hawe fooled me to get to the valey of the jedi.. is there any tips on how to kill her or what..

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yea jump like crazy and swing your lightsaber:D i watched her moves so i could counter-attack, and when she was starting to hurt me, i got away so she would turn off her lightsaber and taunt. also when she is going to do a jump attack combo on you, hit her with your lightning, i found that to stop and stun her giving me the opertunity to come in and do some hurtin to her. Dont worry though, just keep on playing it and you will beat her:amidala:

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I used force-speed and just slashed her to hell. Using force-lightening is a good tip too. Thats how I killed nearly every jedi in later levels. Just force-lightening them, run around until my force power filled back up and repeat the process.

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When I had to fight Tavion (sp?) I got lucky.

She tried to throw her light saber at me when

I slipped into the pit. Then I ran through a tunnel

and she jumped over the top to cut me off.


Unfortunately, her light saber was back in the pit.

She kept her hand out trying to summon it back,

and I heard it bouncing all over the place, but the

poor lass never got a chance. I cut her down like

an unruly lawn.


It was cheap, but satisfying. :)



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What i've found works really well with every jedi cept desann is

using force **** whenever they are in the air, if their on the ground you don't have a chance but while their in the air you catch them off their game and most of the time they fall, even if they don't you still have a good opertunity to attack. Also later on using force grip and then throwing your saber at them works well.

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Well while I am waiting for someone to help me get out of MY particular spot of trouble in Cairn Reactor (unable to fit thru the hole) I may as well add my personal tip to this thread.


Now I spent a whole hour on this one fight and just couldn't beat her, but then I just had a ray of inspiration, waited til she got really close and then quickly switched to Bowcaster - that really was the last thing she was expecting.

Not very Jedi-like I know.


Come on someone ELSE must have had problems fitting through that little hole u blow in the reactor level.

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Eagle, there are three such arrays, shoot all three of them you can fit through the middle one.


coke, I posted tips for beating Tavion in another thread, do a search there and you'll find it (I don't want to repost it and be called a spammer or something :) ).



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