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What is "stick" a landing, as mentioned in the manual?


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The manual mentions pressing the "use" key as you land jumps, but I don't see any difference, nor do I even know what to look for. I don't grab ledges like in TombRaider, so there are certain jumps that just seem barely out of reach. Does "sticking" the landing help? How to do it, etc?



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I have seen people do crouch rolls as they land. Just before the land, they hit crouch, and roll a bit.

Also, depending on where you are trying to jump to, try wall walking up along with the jump.

I think the sticking means not getting hurt from the fall as much.

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While pressing use button on landing form a jump you dont slide as you usally do, but stop right on the spot where your feet hit the ground.


Damn usefull as the level designers got way too twisted on some spots.

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can anyone tell me if you can jump like the npc jedi's do like the cannonball jumps they do to come at you and the cartwheel(not the one that goes over the enemy by pressing attack+jump and not the one you do off the walls). If you can please tell me!!!

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