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i'm crap at finding secrets, not only that but i'm crap at generally finding my way thro the lvls.

the bit i'm stuck on is the bit where we see mr.deesan in three different places at the same time and then he buggers off somewhere.

I've checked all pasages, i've fallen down the bottomless so many times i have run out of fingers to count! i've pushed and pulled those things several thousand times and I've also speant several minutes admiring myself in the mirror, but i don't know where to go!


please help an inept Jedi

thank you

all my love


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In one of the three passages you'll see a fire at the bottom of the hall.. At the top of that hall way you'll see a small pipe, or pillar going horizontally across.. Saber throw your saber at the middle until it breaks, water will pour out and quench the fire at the bottom.


Tip on fighting Desaan.. Use the heavy lightsaber combat style.. It creams him

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Originally posted by $haggyman

I've also speant several minutes admiring myself in the mirror, but i don't know where to go!


please help an inept Jedi

thank you

all my love



Several minutes in front of the mirror huh? I wonder what you would do if you saw Lara Croft!

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