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Where is Lando


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Hi all,


I have seen a couple of other posts in here about where to find Lando but they have not helped me.


I am currently in the room where you are asked for the password. I have cleared much of the level already.


There is a door to the left of the password droid/ball that I can go into or I can go back into the main area where the trash compactors are. Where do I go from this room to find Lando?



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Have you fought the greedo in the windows? In one room there are two greedo windows on each side, and the rest of the room is filled with boxes (i think its the first room on the right wall (if you are faceing from the starting door). Well anyways the side of the wall by the right greedo window breaks. I was tossin a thermal and accidently found this. Anyways follow that path to lando. Hope that helps

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