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Help iam stuck


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well iam in nar shaddaa

lair i think well it is inside the garbages

place so now i come to a freaking eye there pops out the

wall and ask me for a password but i dont have it !!!!

so what i do now i turn to the guild well there stands this


09.b go back to the two original unlocked rooms, but not the one with the glass and crates, the other one. a new wall should have been blown up by shooting through one of the walls earlier. proceed through the hole in the wall to the detention area.


well i found the place and there is a hole in the wall and behind it is a screte place well what the now i cant find out where to go from there!! so please hlep me

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Well I am stuck, on just the same place as you :( I had found that place after the broken wall, and there are 3 trashcan's who are in my way. I can move them, but I don't know in what direction I should push or pull them, I think this is the place where you can find something, but I can't find it... :( I also need help.


Edit: I also have been talking with the eye (password) And I give 3 different passwords, but no one seems to work.

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You can find Lando by blasting out a bit of wall. In some back upper hallways - after some jumps on boxes I think - there is a grill in a hallway you can chop out. Down that shaft are two more grills you cannot get past. however, below you is a room with a box that you can shoot and it will explode. When it explodes it blows open a wall. This will open up the section where you find Lando.

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