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Cairn dock1 stealth room


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Alright... I finally got stuck and not even the Guide can help me. This is the room where you can't be seen or else the alarm will be sounded and you'll be captured. Personally I think this is a stupid part of the game... yeah they wantcha to learn different aspects of the game, but I could take all them on with relative ease if it would let me.


Anywho, I came out the door, tricked the guy to the left and went up the inclined plane on the left-most wall. There you have a guy at the corner where the wall turns (above the bay doors) and one on a catwalk near him. Tricking them is easy, but getting by them / killing them is near impossible. The guide I read said to disintigrate them with my rifle... I dunno what rifle that is but I've been unable to do so. Fire a weapon -- alarm sounded. Force pull him towards me -- alarm sounded. Force Push him off the ledge (I thought this was pretty clever if not also funny :p) -- alarm sounded.


Can anyone tell me how they got through this??

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That area was an absolute beeyatch to get through. It doesn't even make a lot of sense, in every other level Kyle is expected to wade through dozens of baddies by himself, but in this particular instance for some reason he thinks that he's overmatched? I hate levels that force you to be stealthy. Anyway, what Dreadnaught said...and if you get sick of trying this area, just use the "notarget" cheat to turn off enemy AI ;)

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This is what worked for me, first of all you have to kill thoes guards so the best way to do that is on the elevator get out your heavy repeater and use a fre well placed concussion grendaes to kill a few stormtroopers and the commander then rush to the security alarm alert system and kill with the repeater anyone whos trying to activate it after that technician with the gun is killed no one will try to activate it however i put a few trip mines to be safe. then if he is bothering you snipe the Field Trooper with the Missile launcher I don't know where to go after here though :(

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lol, thanks guys... unfortunately I figured it out myself shortly after posting this thread (I knew I would) and boy was it a relief to get through that. I loved the part shortly thereafter where a group of stormtroopers come out of a platform in the floor. If you get there quick enough you can force pull them... they fly up in the air, over your head, and land in a nice pile behind you :p I had to reload just to see that a 2nd time.

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