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Just a silly experiment I need help with...


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Ok, playing around with console commands. Got a silly idea for a simple set of cvars to flash the saber different colors:


// and something silly //


seta w1 "wait"

seta sr "sabercolor red;vstr w1"

seta so "sabercolor orange;vstr w1"

seta sy "sabercolor yellow;vstr w1

seta sg "sabercolor green;vstr w1"

seta sb "sabercolor blue;vstr w1"

seta sv "sabercolor purple;vstr w1"


seta fsaber "vstr sr;vstr so;vstr sy;vstr sg;vstr sv;vstr sb"

seta fsaberx5 "vstr fsaber;vstr fsaber;vstr fsaber;vstr fsaber;vstr fsaber"

seta fsaberx25 "vstr fsaberx5;vstr fsaberx5;vstr fsaberx5;vstr fsaberx5;vstr fsaberx5"

seta fsaberx125 "vstr fsaberx25;vstr fsaberx25;vstr fsaberx25;vstr fsaberx25;vstr fsaberx25"


bind KP_5 "vstr fsaberx125"


Now it works, except that while it's running, I cannot perform any action commands. Is there a way to make a loop through the console, or am I gonna have to toy with QuakeC? (my C days are past me...)

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