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I believe I ran into a serious bug in the game. Please help!


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Here is the issue.......


I just rescued Jan from the detention center in the Doomgiver and I believe we are using teamwork to open doors for each other. Before I go any further and this may be the start if the problem, but it seems that Jans lower half of her body is shaking as if it were a bug in the code of the game. Maybe she's doing this because she was basically tortured and drugged during her inprisonment, but something doesn't look right.


Here's is where I can go no further. Jan presses the button for the first door so I can go through. I go through the door and hold on to the second button, so I guess Jan can come through, but as I'm watching her, she moves towards the wall where the first button is, and looks to be stuck. Why isn't Jan coming into the room? I don't want to assume it's a bug right away, but I have no idea what to do now, and if this is a bug, I'm very dissapointed about this. I've crawled my way out of some tough parts of the game totally without any help, but I really need help here.


Is Jan supposed to be shaking or is this normal? Is there something I missed? I really hope someone is out there to help. Thank you for your time and patience!

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That isn't normal. Someone else posted with a problem similar to yours, I believe, and one of the Raven guys asked him to email a savegame to them so they could check it out. I'm not suggesting you should email a savegame to the first Raven email addy you find, but you might try hunting down that particular thread and seeing if anyone ever posted with more info on it. But yeah, that's definitely a bug, Jan is supposed to just run on through.

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I heard that this had something to do with saving after you rescue Jan, but not having gone through the door yet. So reload a previous savegame, free Jan but DON'T save (you're only 20 secs away from end of level anyways).


See if that helps.



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I appreciate the responses fellow Padawans (and Jedi). What sucks is that I saved a long time before this scene, and this was a pretty tough and long level.


Oh well, I'll just have to do it and swipe away at those bad guys again!


I pray to God that this doesn't happen a second time around.


Game on!

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