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HELP! Im Stuck....


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Hi Guys,


Im stuck in the level where i have just killed beaten the apprentice Evil Jedi and i have now flown to the station.


I have exited the landing bay area and have gotten to a total dead end.. i am searching for Galaks Ship and have exhausted all avenues of searching.


I even found a cheat on the net and put no clipping on to look around the level to find this ship.


I still can't find it, can somebody help me?.. i have come to a part with these elevator type things going up and down and can't get any further.


Is there some code to finish a particular stage or level??.. because at the moment ive done this level 4-5 times from the start and keep ending up at this point its frustrating the hell out of me.


Somebody PLEASE Help either with some hints as to what to do.. or by e-mailing me a cheat to help me get to the next part of this level.. it is very annoying as its stopped me playing the game :(





E-mail me at: kristen@onlinecontent.net

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Hmm... I can't tell you exactly what to do, because some of that has slipped my mind.. But I can tell you this: Don't worry about looking for the ship. You can't help but run into it a couple of maps later. You're an hour or two away. Just concentrait on finding a way out of the hangar. Look for a destructable vent over the catwalks. I think one might be in the same loading bay as the Lambda Shuttle.


Don't know if that helps you, but it's the best I can offer right now.

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