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Stuck in Nar Shadda hideout


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This level's name is "ns_hideout" just for clarity. I've included a pic as to where I am stuck in this level. There's a mine(trash) cart in front of me that I can force pull, but it doesnt move very far. There's a door to the right that is locked. The cart blocks the path... anyone know what to do?



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there are 2 ways, as far as i know

the one i used: crouch and push the cart behind .. that requires some patience, but it works .. then push the other


other, more 'normal', way ;) :

when you enter the room and walk straight ahead, you'll encounter a barrier out of crates and a door behind .. there's no way you could jump over that barrier .. but u can try to walk through one of those machines ..

there should be one without a cart underneath its .. pipe

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