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Nar Shada, bad password


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Ok guys... I even went to the jedi-outcast.com walkthru thing... and it is not even helping me. It doesn't say really what to do about the bad password puzzle. I've completed the entire garbage thing, and now I'm just stuck. I've pushed the trash carts around, done pretty much everything... it seems all I need to do is get in the door that the little robot thing is guarding with the password. What do I do?


Does anyone know a good walkthrough site by chance? I went to the xerol.com (who has posted several times saying he has this level, and half the pics are missing, and there is no text there, only pics.


Anyway, any help is appreciated



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im stuck here to. but i cant find a prison level. can anyone give more detailed direction to find lando? i made it past the two garbage trailers, to the room with the crates stacked incredibly high and just ended up on the other side of the two trailers. did i miss something? i dont see any open doors, or switches, or places to use my force powers left.

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I assume that you've seen the little eye thing that asks you for the password. When you guess wrong, you get dropped into a little pit and fried. So, what you need to do is go to where you pushed the garbage cart out of the way with the Force. Follow the path that you took to get up on the catwalks. Near the door to the catwalk is a ledge (coming from the catwalks it is on the left) with a grate. Jump up there, cut the grate and crawl inside straight. Now, look down through the grate. There should be an explodable crate next to the wall. Shoot it. Go back out of the grate, drop down, and turn left. Go back to the balcony and drop down. The door there will be locked, but you can cut the lock with your saber, if you do an overhead chop. Go back out and open all of the doors that will open, until you hear something burning. There will be a huge hole in the wall. Go into it and follow the path to Lando.


Hope this solved the problem.

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a little extra info.


Be careful not to run past the box you need to move from in front of the grate. You'll notice that after entering a room, there is a glass wall in front of you. You can only turn left in that small room with boxes all around. Go to the far left back corner and run your crosshairs over the small box in the corner... USE THE FORCE LUKE.


FYI...password is "RUBY BLIELS" (remember the bartenders offering?) It doesn't hurt telling, cause your character won't 'know' until you see Lando.

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Thanks guys. I had another friend help me out with this, but the last two posts are the key here. I knew I had to find Lando, just getting to the detention center was the problem.


I walked right past that vent probably 50 times.


Just to add some more detail. After you go in that little door (past the two trash carts you had to push around), you go in a little blue tunnel, which eventually leads to a big ramp. Go up the ramp (it forces you to turn right), on your right will be a room with a lot of boxes, etc. Keep walking straight.. NOW STOP. Directly on your right (past that little side room with boxes) is a vent. That's the guy right there. You will just miss it if you aren't looking for it. Not nearly as obvious as most of the other clues in the game. I'm sure some have stumbled directly into it, but I'm quite sure many others will walk past it like I did, for an hour.


Thanks again for the responses everyone.



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