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Keiran Halcyon (Corran Horn) Model

Garik Loran

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I am working on my first skin, and it is a Keiran Halcyon.

If you don't know what he looks like, it is that guy.



And now that's what I did with the poor editing possibilities right now. (I need thet SDK!!!!)



So what do you think?

And the best is he has a white/silver lightsaber, like it's written in the book :)

I just have to adjust the eyebrows and some other small things on the skin.

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nice skin garik can you send me a copy too? (rhyyss@lycos.com) does the skin include the white saber?? I WANT!! ;) ..also...can you work on a skin of my favorite character and the focus of the book I, Jedi next? (Mirax Terrik!!) ;)

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since no one else asnwer Jbiz

Its a cheat protection thing. Never could figure out how it helps in games where everyone needs the same skin to view it, but they have it in their. If the server doesn't have the skins, then you are unable to use that skin, and to my experience it doesn't matter if the server is pure or not. the skin just won't show if the server doesn't have it. Which is IMHO a bad thing since most server admins don't bother with most skins, if any at all

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For those who like the saber, go to http://www.massassi.net in a day or 2, I submitted my own silver saber there. Like the one here, it goes the color of the saber it replaced when swung. And the glow is purple too, i decided to replace purple. Email me, i want that skin dude, looks great, plus as you MIGHT know from my name, I'm a corran horn fan.


My email is corran18@hotmail.com by the way.

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i gots a link for ya all: http://starwars.com/databank/character/corranhorn/index_eu.html the please note the pics. this is how i picure corran. also, hight: the books(x-wings, i jedi) make it clear that corran is a small man, i am guessing 5ft0 tops, any way to take this into considition for the model?(maybe ugy model /demeneted laugh:D ) ok the databank lists Height:1.67 meters about 5ft 5in ok i guess peaple are taller there:cool:


ok enugh with bad spelling and mindless rambling and lackofsleep induesed ranting:D


thouts? ideas?


btw no need to email the file to me, i am waiting for a true silver saber.(dont let me down modders;) i know you can do it:D )


edit: i knew it! i forgot something! force powers; any sw'er worth his salt MUST NOT put any stars on push pull or jump, instead max out heal, mind trick and saber skills. just a idea

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