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Dear God I Suck With a Saber. What Am I Doing Wrong?


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Hey folks,


From what I've gathered it's important not to take wild swings and to watch the saber itself to see where it is in relation to the opponents, but I have a few questions.


Other than a saber lock scenario are you ever going to want to hit the attack button rapidly?


Also is staying stationary and making attacks cautiously a viable tactic or is it extremely important to keep moving?


Replies will most certainly save lives... :fett:

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What I usually try to do is wait for them to make an attack and once they do I go for their vunerable spot depending on the swing the take. If they use heavy, they have a HUGE opening in which you can strike them. But since their swing is so wide it can be hard to sometimes maneuver in close to them. Also one thing that I have been doing today which has been working out pretty good is crouching down in the light stance and slowly moving up on them and then pressing foward and attack which makes a quick powerful upward slash. After doing a few of these change to heavy stance while still crouch and do a foward, attack, jump. It usually catches them off guard since they think its coming from below but it is actually coming from above :) Also kicking your opponent down is a good way to deal damage and to get them on the floor at the same time. Just run up to them and jump, it won't get them on the floor everytime but it does a fair amount of damage, and its quite hilarious to kick them over and let them get up and kick them over again. It's even more hilarious to win a deul by kicking them in the face :)

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