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Um what are detectors for?

Guest Thrawn

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I thought that they would be for seeing cloaked units, but I haven't FOUND any cloaked units! I read somewhere that Jedi can cloak, but I sure can't find the cloak button. . .

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Guest Tie Guy

Hehe. Cloaked jedi are always cloaked unless in the dight of a detector, in which you can see them normally, so you wouldn't notice them being cloaked anyways. So, there is no button, thats why you can't find it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The detectors can be used in the Trade Fedation senarios to located the hidden Gungan buildings. Once you get close to where they are located in the water you will be able to see them. This is most effective when you use the detector boat. :ewok:

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