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New Lightsaber Flasher Move --- Betcha you don't know this one yet....

Wes Janson SMR

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I haven't seen anyone talk about this neat little trick you can do, so I'll share it with you. If you already knew about, just give me the benefit of the doubt. ;-)


What's a "Flasher Move"? A Flasher is a show-off technique used on a weapon - the most popular seems to be Obi-Wan's 'Saber twirl from Episode I (very similar to the way Kyle and Luke activate their sabers with the flick of the wrist).


Well, you can also twirl your 'Saber around in the same fashion. I don't have a demo, but I'm sure you have the idea. Well...Are you ready? Here we go!





While your Lightsaber is activated, do the following.


1. Double-tap the Lightsaber activation/deactivation key.


That's it!


You can't do it too fast though, you you'll simply turn your saber off. But if you practice, you'll get the timing right in no time. Makes for an interesting taunt in Multiplayer - that's assuming your 'Saber-wielding character twirls his weapon upon activation. ;-)


There ya' go!

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My favorite flashy move is to start a match off by jumping down towards my opponent after I launch a saber throw that comes close but doesn't quite hit the guy. I then hit the ground before it comes back and do a upwards somersault so the saber flies under me then goes back over my head and into my hand. It doesn't make much sense when I type it out, but its neat looking to me. :)

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I tried double tapping in all sorts of different speeds for a long time but it didn't work. So I'm just going to assume this is a hoax until I get proof that it's not.



Oooh now I think I know what you meant, I thought you meant the spinning saber thing you can do in SP by using cheats and the "taunt" command but if you're talking about what I think you are then only certain models can do this, like Kyle and Luke. The Shadowtrooper is my model of choice and it doesn't activate the saber in this twirly kind of way.

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Originally posted by Eternity

Kinda cool. I still want to try that one that was explained in that recent column.


What recent column? The most recent one I can think of was the dueling one. And I don't remember anything about taunts =\ Link me?

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I'm not sure what they mean about this "recent column", ether. But to answer your question, dan-o2, yeah. It's basically a forced animation. Here's what happens: When you shut off your 'Saber, Kyle twirls the handle in his hand as he turns the blade off. But if you re-activate it before the blade starts to shut off (and while Kyle twirls), the blade will remain extended while he continues the twirl.


It's a forced animation, but you can use it as a flasher. And yes, only certain models can do this. Like Luke and Kyle. Of course, it works in SP, too. ;-)

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at the beginning of a duel i turn off my saber and walk around him as to size him up ... permiting he isnt one of those guys who just jumps right into things (not that there is anything wrong with those players)

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:( OK, I've got the twirl bound so I can do it with one key in single player ("weapon 1; wait 40; weapon 1") but I can't get any of my models in Multiplayer to twirl. Any suggestions for what I'm doing wrong? Even ,manually they just ignite or close their lightsaber without twirling.
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ii lanned yesterday and whenever me and my freind would duel online, we would deactivate our lightsabers, walk up to eachother (holding shift) then look all the way down (looks exactly as if your bowing) and then rollbackwards and ignite our lightsabers at the same time, makes for quite a show :)

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